Carpet Hellfire

There was not a single human soul out in the middle of night, but there were more and more insectoids gathering around the mall.

Even if there was beast repellent scattered about, the collective breaths of the people were still being dispersed. With adequate food around, it was a possibility that the insectoids wanted a full meal or to hunt to feed their offspring.

To leave them alone until morning would mean that the insectoids could break in at any moment and kill everyone.

Liu Xue and the others were patrolling vigilantly, looking through a small window.

"What should we do? Should we clear some out?" He Ling suggested nervously. 

The people around him did not respond. Nobody knew what was the best course of action. Even Liu Xue would not dare give suggestions right now as the price of a wrong decision would be someone's life.

"Boss isn't back yet?" Wang Chen kept glancing at the communicator on his hand. He was looking at the time.