Lin Kai’s Threat

Better be safe than sorry. There were also chances that they might clash with students from other universities.

While they were discussing the next candidate to invite, the ranking of the six gunner classes was finally released.

"Everyone, march to the field!"

Under the teachers' lead, the students left their seats and walked toward the square. The students' sight jumped from one line to the other, apparently searching for their suitable teammates.

"You may team up now. Party with five members should come forth and register with the teachers."

The crowd immediately scattered about after Deng Nian gave the order. A lot of students swarmed around Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hastily clarified, "I already have a team. We only need a gunner with scouting skills now."

This left those from the ancient warrior class in great disappointment. Students from the abilities class also looked at Qin Feng and Zhao Yu enviously.