The Golden Queen Ant

However, the number of the ants was way too much!

One by one, the carcasses were replaced by new ant beasts that used the fallen ones as stepping stones to pile higher. Except for Qin Feng's side, the insects had begun to cross the ring of fire!

"Why! Why are there so many of them?"

"This is terrible!"

"No! Get away from me! Damn bugs!"

The people cried out while the ancient warriors rushed out to engage the incoming insectoids, opting to hold the tide of insectoids back with their own bodies.

"Hellfire Carpet!" Qin Feng launched his hellfire at the gravel, covering the bottom of the bowl of fortification which would kill additional blacksteel ants as they crawled out of the holes, greatly reducing the pressure everyone had on the surface.

This method seemed to solve everyone's immediate need. Soon, firearms opened up and came down like a pouring rainstorm, every aptitude user sent out their strongest attack at the anthill.