Treasure Cave

Yang Sanhu shifted in his seat. "Mayor Qin, you know that I've been roaming in the wilderness for many years, so I know a bunch of good places that I was unable to reach due to my own shortcomings. Would you like to accompany me to these places?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

He had been waiting for the general to say this!

"I'd love to! But still, how would the loot be divided?"

Yang Sanhu's brows became knitted once he heard Qin Feng's question but in the end, he sighed in defeat.

"I won't be able to reach these places without Mayor Qin so I'm thinking of an 8:2 distribution. Of course, I'll be taking the smaller portion!"

This proposition, considering how many men were under Yang Sanhu's command, was not bad at all!


Yang Sanhu raised his cup happily and downed a shot with Qin Feng.