A Scramble for the Waymarks

By this time, the hover car's violent charge forward had already broken through the boundaries of Sea City's outer wall.

The first car's driver who frantically tried to escape found himself facing a storm-like assault. Due to the condition of the road, many of the hover cars found themselves unable to scatter and as a result they were all speeding up and rushing toward him.

Sea City's people had never seen so many high-end hover tanks and cars rushing forward like that at extreme speeds, chasing after one another and ramming into each other.

Those who were to lose their hover cars would be the equivalent of losing in this tussle.


Honk honk honk!


Shells were thrown and in the blink of an eye, three hover cars were eliminated.

Even for Han Jian and Chi Long, this kind of battle gave them a sense of fear. It looked like the situation had affected them as well.