
Qin Feng retrieved the boxes and stored them into his own spatial equipment. He put some into the newly-acquired spatial button when his own was fully loaded.

He was jubilant with the loot he had found.

"That should do it." Qin Feng decided to call it a day.

It was three in the morning. Qin Feng decided that they should return to the camp now. They could always revisit the cave later so there was no rush to bring everything out tonight. 

Qin Feng retreated out of the cave, and his consciousness found Bai Li immediately. She was busy harvesting herbs around the area. This was a truly rewarding trip for them.

To many others, this was just an uneventful night.

The next morning, aptitude users were woken up by chirping sounds and immediately went into defense mode.

They knew another round of crisis had just begun.