Holy Light Mortar Shells

Outside of the colony, the monitor displayed the visuals of a giant humanoid creature that broke through the darkness as it appeared on the detector.

"What is that?"


"What kind of monster is that?"

Everyone took in a breath, because of the Wraith Devil's appearance they had deliberately investigated the entity.

However, they had no idea what type of form this was.

"This must be a beast king's special evolutionary method! I'm afraid that we're now seeing its final form!" Tan Yue said.

After all, it looked rather weak earlier on!

Except the Wraith Devil was nowhere near a weakling, it was just that it was being held back by Qin Feng!

Qin Feng was standing in a building that had been cut off by the waist. A glass window covered his figure and surrounding him was a patch of darkness.

"So, it has appeared!"