Spatial Passage

The set of equipment had been previously made by Liu Zhenshan under Qin Feng's instructions. Not only that, the boots even contained everything he would need and were five centimeters higher.

Such an outfit was obviously meant for moving around cloak and dagger so he could hide his identity!

"Test it to see if it works!"

"Well done, this is very well done Uncle Liu, but you need to keep this secret!"

"Don't worry, I won't say anything!" Liu Zhenshan did not even ask what Qin Feng wanted to do with them.

Qin Feng put the equipment inside his spatial rune equipment and swaggered around the factory as he toured the interior.

There was only a few days left before the Battlegod Tomb would open; even if he could fly he would not reach in time.

Xue Xingfu had his doubts but he kept his thoughts to himself.