Internal Strength Liquid

Both of them were equally amazed as they browsed through the remaining two books, Overcast Dragon Kill was a claw skill that did not suit Qin Feng. However, the Dragon Steps that was a qing gong was something that Qin Feng was looking for.

The Dragon Steps was an A-tier battle skill that required high physical capabilities which would allow high speed movements.

Without any doubt, it was the skill that Qin Feng needed most.

There were still various battle skills available in the Battle Skills Chamber but ancient warriors would usually hold back from being too greedy and focus only on the best option, since three of the best were already there, the other options would definitely be set aside.

The remaining ones could be used to cultivate the others at Fengli colony.

Qin Feng and Zhou Hao recorded three of the books and left the original copies in the Battle Skills Chamber.

Then, they went toward the Practicing Room.