The Exotic Verdant Emperor Saber

Qin Feng was used to taking care of those who were close to him, but not outsiders.

Being a beast king herself, Bai Li had extremely high defensive capabilities, and Qin Feng knew very well that adding protective tools for her would be totally unnecessary.

However, Qin Feng did not stop Bai Li from using those precious materials for the sake of her own satisfaction.

It would only require less than five peacock feathers to complete a dress for her, while Qin Feng could easily obtain hundreds of them from a single trip. Would it not be reasonable to reward Bai Li as she had been helping him in collecting items, keeping Qin Feng secure during their escape, and protecting him while he was absorbing beast emperor cores?

Everyone else was not aware of all these.

None of them would know that every man who had succeeded would often be supported by a successful woman from behind the scenes.