Meeting Liang Kan

Of course it was more than that, but Qin Feng had to approach it with moderation. Back then, his abilities had not reached the point where he could take on and crush the three families.

And the three big families in Chengyang City did not hold Qin Feng in any high regard, not giving him a single cent!

But that has become different now!

They thought that Qin Feng was alone and weak at that time, even assuming that Qin Feng knew how to be tactful!

Now, it was these three families who were the ones that needed to be 'tactful'.

"Mayor Qin, what do you mean?" Cheng Zhou inquired carefully.

"About that question, you can discuss that with Xue Xingfu. I have things to do right now so tell him to speak to me later!"

After hearing that, Cheng Zhou did not dare to persuade him anymore, "Okay Mayor Qin, I shall not take up too much of your time!"