Emergency Alert

As Qin Feng walked out of the Aptitude Certification Hall, Bai Li asked, "What happened to that attendant just now? He looked like he was scared sh*tless!"

"He has a guilty conscience!" Qin Feng snickered.

"Why? We don't even know him!"

"He might know us, yesterday was a big mess and I offended a lot of people, so he tried to find a different way to cause me more trouble."

Qin Feng pointed at the mission displayed on his communicator.

"The sand lizardfolk are one of the most powerful intelligent races in the North Sea Desert. There aren't a lot of them, maybe only three to four hundred of them, and they live underground."

"Their location isn't easy to detect, I know some of their common spots, but they are all deep in the North Sea Desert. Even if we go by hover copter, it'll take us twenty minutes, which means we'll be out of the protection range of Shadong Town."