Gao Li Awakens

Mutant experimental subjects were divided into different stages of experimentation. After all, each subject carried different genes.

Whether it was a semi-beastly human, a full-beastly human, or the kind like Ling Wuyi that had mastered the toxin element, they were all the first stage.

After all, they had all maintained their beast forms, and Ling Wuyi was already the best subject result among their current research.

Yet, they were still failures.

It seemed that the Z Organization had proceeded to a different form of experimentation.

It was like what Ling Wuyi had said—it was the second experimental stage!

It was an experiment on complete human manifestation without the presence of human genes in the body.

Qin Feng did not understand what exactly that form was but then after seeing Han Nuan, he suddenly understood.

It was an energy form.

This was beyond belief!