Prioritizing What's Important

Qin Feng and Xu Qing talked for a little bit more but time was of the essence. Xu Qing was still busy with a lot of things and the two ended their meeting.

"If you have anything you want to report, you can directly contact me. The greater the power, the greater one's responsibilities. I hope you won't take a break yet and continue working hard!"

Xu Qing was odd with his words, maybe because when one had reached the upper class they liked to speak eccentrically!

What he meant was that he hoped Qin Feng would not rest for the next few days but continue his investigation and collect more information.

"I understand, General Xu!"

Qin Feng had his own plans and did not need to be ordered around by other people, but he did not refute as he had the same idea as Xu Qing.

Once he added Xu Qing's number to his communicator, the two parted ways.