Descending The Tower

After ordering the invitation and ticket on the network, a black-robed man showed up in Qin Feng's villa in just mere minutes!

The others who were observing Qin Feng's villa too had noticed the arrival of the black-robed man.

This black-robed man was an official agent from the authorities of the City of Death and also, naturally, an underling of the owner of the City of Death. 

After Qin Feng made the payment, the man left the merchandise with him and left.

The black-robed men had a nickname—the "Death Messengers".

Because out of ten people who received these invitations, usually nine of them would not make it back home after entering the raid. 

Checking the invitation, Qin Feng saw that he was "Number 277". This meant that up until minutes ago, there were already two hundred seventy seven people signing up.