Heavy Penalty

When threatening others, he did not think that 5 trillion was a lot. After all, Qin Feng had probably earned that much during battles.

But when it fell onto himself, 5 trillion would knock the air out of him!

The number of votes rose steadily and finally reached an approval rate of 80%!

Shang Han nodded and announced the punishment: "Guang Wei will pay 4 trillion while Lei Ying will pay 1 trillion. You may mortgage items to the alliance to retrieve the money. You have a day's time!"

Guang Wei put on a gloomy expression while Lei Ying's body swayed and he almost collapsed onto his knees.

Even when he had always boasted about how much money the Leitang Organization had, 1 trillion was the equivalent of all of his property.

Shang Han's voice rang out again. It was obvious that this ruling was not over.

"As General Guang Wei abused his power, he is to be removed from his rank as a general. The voting begins now!"
