Expanding Feng Li City

The two B-tier generals did not stay for long after handing over the badge. The cannons of the Floating City were still aiming at the aircraft after all.

After they left, Qin Feng looked at the badge and sighed quietly.

He had finally reached C-tier and gained the governor position. He was even given the badge without having to go through the C-tier aptitude test.

This time, he finally fulfilled what he had promised Gao Yukang.

"Members of the Fengli Mercenary Troop, we will gather at Niumeng City at once. We are going to arrange a funeral and pay Governor Gao his last respect," Qin Feng ordered.

Zheng Qian could not hold back her tears when she heard the order. They had waited for this day for too long.

Qin Feng acted swiftly and the funeral was held three days later in Niumeng City.

The city was once again flooded by a few hundred D-tier aptitude users.