Formidable Feng Li Aircraft

A thousand meters away from the rift, a spatial tunnel of about ten meters wide appeared abruptly. Swiftly, one after another elect with a powerful aura walked out from it.

It was Shang Han and her troop. The weakest among them was at least B2-tier. Though a B2-tier might be instantly crushed by the B2-tier beast emperor, it was considered safe with Shang Han leading the line.

"Qin Feng!" Shang Han shouted with great internal force and her sound traveled far. Eventually, it reached Qin Feng's ears.

"Bai Li, over there!"

Bai Li immediately held Qin Feng and they instantly teleported about a thousand meters.


The two of them appeared instantaneously in front of Shang Han.

It took Shang Han by surprise. She thought that they were trapped by the wyvern and did not expect them to come to her so effortlessly.

"So this is the power of spatial rune!" Even Shang Han was amazed by the unparalleled ability.