The Dragon Gate Tower

On that day, a very lively opening ceremony was held.

The prodigies from all four regions, combined with the D-tier prodigies in the Dragon Capital numbered at more than a hundred people.

Many of the D-tiers in the Dragon Capital were under twenty years old. Even the strongest among them had reached D6-tier. As such, the other prodigies from the other regions were all overshadowed by them!

The central plaza of the Dragon Capital was extremely large. There was a multicolored tower in its center that shone with a unique light. If one looked up, they would only see the blue skies above.

Qin Feng felt as if he was like a frog at the bottom of a well at this moment. He could only look up at the sky above and would never get out for a lifetime.

Perhaps, humanity was just like this. Most people could only live behind the walls due to the threat of ultra beasts.