Return to Dragon Capital

Qin Feng gave it a thought for two seconds and said, "Transfigure now. We will be heading back."

The Perished Land would still open up in the future even after the Sacred Armor had been removed. This dimension would probably exist for a few more centuries.

Qin Feng would need to report some of his findings here when he went back to Earth. One of the vital pieces of information was regarding the fifteen days' restriction. It would raise suspicion if he were to stay in this dimension longer than that.

Besides, Qin Feng could sense that a new form of energy had occurred as soon as the Sacred Star had dimmed. This infectious energy had Qin Feng worried about his body being corrupted if he were to stay any longer.

'No matter how powerful an individual was, it would not be able to overthrow the natural law of a dimension. It's meaningless trying to challenge the inevitable.' 

Qin Feng was looking poised. There was something different in him.