Massive Loss

"I'll get the materials; you should just stay in the car!" Qin Feng told Bai Li.

"I'll just pack them up directly!"

"Stop using your ability, get some rest!"

"Oh, alright!"

Sometimes, although light injuries were still tolerable for Qin Feng, however, he would still protect his little fox from being injured!

It did not matter if Bai Li did not understand Qin Feng's intention.

Qin Feng released his dark ability to shroud around the hover tank, it then gradually disappeared and faded into the shadows on the ground and hid itself from the detection of the drones.

Qin Feng entered into the forest, most of the ultra beasts had fled, while some that were found by Qin Feng ended up being reaped by his blade.

Qin Feng slit opened the swine and put it into the Battlegod Tomb, such a giant beast would definitely fetch a good selling price.

Qin Feng returned and dispersed the dark ability, and continued to drive forward.