Battle Achievement Vetting

Although that person was speaking softly, it was still audible to those who were around. They were waiting to depart along with Xu Qing, and all of them turned around and stared in the same direction!

"Who is he? How dare he reject the offer from General Xu Qing?"

"Is he afraid of going to the seventh region? That is a made-up excuse for himself, such a bad excuse!"

"Isn't he Qin Feng? Who is he actually, why would Xu Qing know him?!"

Some of them had joined the battle together with Qin Feng the day before, they would certainly know Qin Feng. However, none of them had been following the news of the Hero Class, and neither were they from the northern region, therefore, they would definitely be unaware of Qin Feng's capability.

As soon as the unfavoured rejection had been raised, Qin Feng was immediately targeted with doubts.