Traitor and Ambush

The Shinla Devils had been active in Dusan Basin for quite some time now, spreading far and wide in the area. The group was not just Diran and his goons—in fact, Diran was just one of the lieutenants in the group.

Being an organization in the underworld, they would not just let things slide after their asses were handed to them.

"Bai Li? Isn't this the girl that was with the boy who ruined our plan?"

"Yeah, I remember her. This lass is so beautiful. How could we forget her? But when I think about it… I actually don't quite remember how she looks. Still, I know she's hot!"

Diran said, "She has a strong aptitude in conscious energy. Hmm, this is expected from people who have learned conscious energy control. This means that she's a really tough aptitude user!"

The others did not seem to show much concern after hearing Diran's deduction. This did not change their plan to take on Qin Feng and Bai Li.