Returning an Offence

Quong Ting's words did not phase Qin Feng in the slightest. Even if she had not spoken up, he would not have let these people go either.

The Shinla Devils in the Dusan Basin were basically like parasites.

They were not part of the Huaxia Alliance and fell under the jurisdiction of the Dusan Alliance.

That was why these people were always around the Dusan Basin, looking to ambush and kill off members of the Huaxia Alliance. They treated everyone else like they were bloated lambs and they themselves a pack of wolves.

More importantly, the Dusan Alliance did not seem to care at all and even encouraged people to behave this way. That was because these people would sell the items they did not want to the struggling members at the bottom of the barren Dusan Alliance.

It was a business that rewarded them with more money that they would usually make.