Undesirable Kill

Obviously, those people did not know who Qin Feng was.

Although Qin Feng was equipped with luxurious combat armor that was made from the Magical Tesseract as well as the Sacred Armor, in the eyes of the others, those were absolutely not rune equipment. He was just seen as a gunner that had weaponries on each hand, a hand grenade and a decomposing blaster.

There was only a C-tier badge on his chest, meanwhile, everyone from the group that approached were all above C3-tier.

"Little kid, did you just spend half a day here? Seems like a rewarding loot you have there!"

The group that approached provoked Qin Feng as they realized that he was holding onto a decomposing blaster, obviously, they were a little fearful.

Qin Feng frowned.

He took a glance at those people and noticed that they were all aptitude users from the Dark Coalition, and it had instantly diminished his intention to maintain any act of politeness.