Where Did He Come From?

As such, Yu Yangtao had little confidence. He was no way near Chen Sha's prowess. 

That was not all. The scary explosion was neutralized by Chen Sha with his iceberg. Then, he broke apart the iceberg and turned it into a make-shift boat. Another two powerful auras ascended from underwater. 

Both Wang Yangying and Yang Qian were here, too. 

Three B-tiers! 

Cold sweats began to appear on Yu Yangtao's forehead. 

On the Deep-sea Feng Li, the crew who cheered on earlier had gone silent. Their morales had been overwhelmed by deep fear. 

To them, B-tier auras were terrifying. They seemed to have lost control over their consciousness and body. 

"What are we going to do?" 

"Three B-tiers! Can we survive this?"

"Should we attack? The cannons on our vessel might be our only chance!" 

The C-tier gunners were scared and panicked. They had lost all their composure.