There Is Hope If We Stay Alive

But that just so happened to be the case right now!

The Glutton tossed and turned in the ocean and Qin Feng did not know what disaster would occur on the outside but he knew that he and Yu Yangtao had just been affected by a massive amount of pressure whilst inside the creature.

A terrifying presence to behold.

However, Qin Feng and Yu Yangtao both adapted under this huge amount of pressure, or in other words they had to adapt.

Yu Yangtao was drenched in cold sweat by then and said, "Back then I've heard in the Darkest City there's a special secret dimension that is holding back a horrible beast deity. The aura of this beast deity can stimulate someone's potential and improve their consciousness. It sounded like complete bullshit but I'm starting to believe it now!"

The Glutton Leviathan was not a beast deity but it was terrifying enough!

"This can indeed stimulate potential, but not many people can bear it!"