Retrofit Glutton Leviathan

"Regent Tung, that's beyond my capacity. After I finish tinkering with the Glutton, I will bring it and patrol around its original habitat. Other than collecting resources from its original habitat, I have no other current plans."

"I see. That would do then."

What Qin Feng said had indirectly shut the door on Tung Yang. The latter knew he should not push his luck and force the task into a newcomer's hand.

Of course, the meeting still proceeded smoothly and ended on a joyful note half an hour later.

"Qin Feng, since you have just gotten back, I should not disturb you any longer. Get some good rest. I expect to see more from you."

Qin Feng's stomach cramped a little. 'He is still on it?'

"Okay, I shouldn't be stalling you any further too. You must have a lot of work to attend to."



They took the elevator and descended together.

A lot of B-tiers on the first floor naturally recognized Tung Yang.