Fengli City Drastically Changes

This time Qin Feng could not excuse himself so he attended a grand celebration banquet and even recorded a documentary.

This documentary was naturally about Qin Feng's battle exploits and his record of ultra beasts that he had hunted which led to him being awarded the rank of a B-tier general. The film would not only be broadcasted in Beihua City but it would also be broadcasted in all states in the Northern Region so that people would know that a new general had appeared.

Of course, the amount of broadcasts obviously depended on the area's viewpoint of Qin Feng. Later, he learned that Hanmou did not air it a single time while other states only aired it two or three times. Only Beihua City and North Sea City broadcasted it the most.

After three days, Qin Feng finally returned to North Sea City.