Let's Just Kill Him


Everyone stared at Qin Feng, wondering what kind of method he intended to use to solve this predicament.

"It's easy. Let's just kill him."

Qin Feng's answer stunned everyone.

The man from the Japanese Alliance shook his head and grumbled, "What a joke! That man is an A-tier!"

The others too were shaking their heads and looking at Qin Feng like he was some fool.

Of course, their discussion was also being spied on by Sal Bar. It was quite easy for an A-tier to listen in on the enemies' open discussion like this.

Sal Bar sharply leered at Qin Feng. He felt that this young man was openly taunting him.

"Well, sometimes… it's better for me to show you weaklings a hand of mine for you to know your place!"

After saying so, Sal Bar raised his hand and summoned a gigantic metallic dragon, which then rammed at the villa's energy field straight from the sky!

The energy field was, naturally, too weak against such an attack.