Mammoth Funds

Inside Qin Feng's villa at Fengli City. 

"President, what's with the attack just now? It was no ordinary assault. Is someone trying to take down our organization?" Xue Xingfu asked carefully. 

This was probably the first time he felt unrest. 

At the same time, he was also perplexed by the task Qin Feng had given him. 

Qin Feng left about a week ago leaving behind massive amounts of resources. This included the bands of spatial equipment found inside the Glutton's stomach. 

Qin Feng had asked him to dump them in the market as quickly as possible to raise funds and changed all of them into power credits. 

Xue Xingfu was not concerned at first. But the sudden attack and Qin Feng's decision to collect funds raised his suspicion. He wondered whether Qin Feng had offended someone dangerous who he could not deal with and had to hide. 

If that were so, then the Fengli Organization as well as the entire North Sea would be in great chaos.