Guan Jinhau, The Scapegoat

Guan Jinhau was fast. Really fast! However, it was this lightning speed of his that almost killed him. 

The man did not have an internal energy shield to protect him. As such, he was taking on these spatial runes with his own body. In other words, there was no way he could break through these. 

Thus, his body was cut open.

Fortunately for him, the dimensional rifts did not cause any fatal wounds on him. Still, a piece of skin was sliced off from his scalp; one of his arms was cut and dislocated, leaving only a few threads of flesh and muscles connecting his arms and shoulders; his stomach was pierced while his gut was mostly crushed.

There was another dimensional rift about ten centimeters away from him, dangling right at his throat. If he did not stop in time, it would have definitely beheaded him in a matter of seconds.

"Ugh… Warghh!!"