Arriving At Dusk Dragon’s Stronghold

The killer's secret technique was still activated, his body bursting with energy as he rapidly sped away and moved past Qin Feng in an instant.

After running for a few meters, his neck was suddenly detached from his body!

Instantaneous death!

"Asteroid Assimilation, Attract!"

Qin Feng raised a palm and dragged the other's body back, causing the man's internal force to surge into Qin Feng's dantian!

An A2-tier killer, the equivalent of 20 pools worth of internal force.

All of the internal force he had spent earlier had been replenished, with a little bit of excess to spare.

"Phantom Shift!" Qin Feng activated his movement ability, evading the incoming attacks from the mammoths and dashed to the third killer's side.

The third killer could barely dodge the mammoths' attacks. Now that Qin Feng had locked onto him, he had no means of defending himself.

"Guan Jinhau! This is your fault!"