The Order is Given, Abandon the City!

"Fire Dragon!"

A massive fire dragon burst out, raising the surrounding temperature.

The bright and intense flames burned away all of the thorny vines to ash.

Jiang Haolin's ability destroyed the vines the moment his ability was unleashed but his expression did not relax, on the contrary it became more solemn.

Bai Li's brow was also furrowed at this time.

She knew that these vines had B2-tier strength but in the group that Qin Feng brought along, only he was the one who had combat potential and he would not necessarily be able to fend off the vines on his own. This was a very dangerous situation.

Everyone watched Bai Li intently. Qin Feng had not returned yet but the situation had turned out like this. This was something they did not see coming.

What if Qin Feng could not get out?

For everyone else, that would be a pity. For the Fengli Organization and for Bai Li, that would be a devastating blow!