Chu Fan, the Revenger

Not only that, they were now in the middle of a farm! Qin Feng could still see the fire that was burning wildly from afar—this meant that they were somewhere near the place he retreated earlier!

Qin Feng's face turned grim immediately. "We can't stay here. We need to go right now!"

The place was outside of the city walls. Qin Feng had cut down a lot of mutated plants nearby earlier; so, there was a huge surge in the mutated vipers' population in the area.

Qin Feng actually knew that this was going to happen though. Every living being in this dimension was now brimming with energy. Therefore, the vipers would definitely come and devour these plants, resulting in them evolving to their ultra neast forms!

Appearing right in the middle of this farm was like appearing in the middle of the enemy's headquarters on the battlefield. Chu Fan essentially brought them straight into the monsters' nests.
