Terrifying Beast Emperor

The Devourer jumped away as this Plow Worm reared its head and opened its mouth to bite down toward the direction where the Devourer originally stood. Under the drone's live broadcast, everyone broke out into cold sweat at this scene.

The maw of the Plow Worm was like a dark cave. Inside that maw were what looked like dense rows of constantly rotating teeth. Whatever fell into its mouth would get crushed.

However, the Devourer's speed was no match for the Plow Worm's.

The Devourer jumped away and the Plow Worm was in hot pursuit. As its body squirmed and turned, a large group of buildings collapsed to the ground, crushing hundreds of people to death.


Zhang Wu exclaimed, the building he was in began to tilt but he could not get out in time. The body was sometimes a fragile thing.

Soon his screams were drowned out by the rubble and nobody would have cared if he was among the dead!