He Will be Spared if He Stays Alive

Seeing Qin Feng here opened up his old wound.

He Tianxing acted swiftly when he saw that Qin Feng and Bai Li were planning to flee.

His enormous internal force instantly dispersed the incomplete spatial runes just released by Bai Li. Hence, Bai Li and Qin Feng could not escape in time.

Actually, they might have already been gone if there were only two of them. With Hu San and his igloo, Bai Li needed to cast more spatial runes than usual. This gave He Tianxing enough time to intercept them.

Qin Feng expanded his internal force shield to resist He Tianxing's attack. It exhausted the internal force in his dantian rapidly.

Qin Feng might possess the same amount of internal force but its trait was vastly inferior to that of He Tianxing's.

Besides, He Tianxing's attack was imbued with his fury. Qin Feng had little chance in front of the S-tier's wrath.
