You People Are Making A Mess

In the Battlegod Tomb, Qin Feng started to prepare things for Bai Li, taking out countless expensive elixirs, spirit herbs as if money did not matter in treating her wounds and feeding her!

With such a splurge, Bai Li's injuries became minor cuts. After resting up for one week, she would be alright.

"Qin Feng, what are your plans? Are we going to just let that He Tianxing go?" Bai Li was absolutely infuriated, as a beast deity, she had an extremely great amount of arrogance.

"No, we're going to kill him!" Qin Feng said with absolute certainty.

He sat cross-legged in a meditative posture, but in his mind raced those violent and manic thoughts.

Killing He Tianxing as soon as possible.

In theory, if Qin Feng had reached A-tier, using the assasination tactics he had learned from Guan Jinhau, who was to say he would not be able to kill an S-tier.

After all, Guan Jinhau succeeded, who was to say Qin Feng would not?