He Tianxing in Anger

Qin Feng's attack was out of the blue, and those from Slaughterspear were definitely unprepared.

Four ancient warriors slammed on the ground, only three ability users were left in shock.

"Let's go!"

They were unable to determine what sort of trick Qin Feng had used. Although they knew Qin Feng was a B-tier aptitude user, they were still afraid to take the risk!

One of them was even a dark ability user, and it had allowed this ability user to remain undetected and continue to stir up the chaotic situation from behind!

Unfortunately, he did not know that Qin Feng was also a dark ability user.

That ability user released masses of dark clouds to hide his escape from the vision of the crowd. However, as he was escaping from the dark clouds, a flashing sword ray appeared, and the dark ability user was stabbed in the stomach.

"How…could this…"

The A-tier dark ability user could not comprehend the reason for his failed escape!