The Outstanding Dark Armor

If Bai Li had not secured the space in time, perhaps there would be the eighth and ninth Dragon-borne.

Of course, sealing the space did not mean their work was done. They must kill the remaining Dragon-borne here and now. Otherwise, they could easily make contact with their original dimension once they got out from here.

Long Ting witnessed and sensed what Bai Li had done. She was encouraged by it and her expression became more determined.

"We cannot allow them to leave. Kill them all!"

The spear seemed to be almost fused with Long Ting as she charged toward the Tower of Dragon Gate.

At the same time, Qin Feng teleported out by more than a thousand meters under Bai Li's lead. He used the momentum to fling Nangong Feiyang further away.

"Hide!" Qin Feng ordered.

Nangong Feiyang scrambled to find his feet and fled desperately. A few strides later, he turned back bafflingly as he realized that Qin Feng was not leaving with him.
