Hapless Fire Phoenix

"Okay, I will reject them all." Xue Xingfu abided. He had already thought of a hundred excuses to deny their applications in his mind. The words used would be implicit yet irreproachable.

"You have never disappointed me. As for the B-tiers, you can absorb those you deem capable. Our business is expanding rapidly now. We can use some help," Qin Feng said.

"Alright, leave it to me."

Once the matters were all sorted out, Qin Feng headed south through East Sea City. Before he crossed the bridge leading into the Dark Citadel, Qin Feng disguised himself.

The Dark Citadel did not look very different from a month ago. It was only February, which was still long before the auction would commence. Nonetheless, there were still a lot of newcomers entering the city to seek refuge under the Dark Coalition.