The Almighty Absorption Ability

Qin Feng did not hesitate and selected his innate ability—Absorption.

This ability was close to being invincible. As long as he could absorb other's abilities with this, he could regain his power quickly.

Besides, the ability did not need any prerequisites. Qin Feng had been using it as soon as his conscious energy was awakened.

After he pinpointed the ability, the now transparent conscious globe was left with a small blob of dark aura. It was none other than the dark runes for his Absorption Ability.

The newly appeared diamond starglobe felt a little chilled as compared to before. Qin Feng immediately figured that it was an ice crystal core.

There was little time for him to examine the unfamiliar globe. As soon as he made his pick, the blue light abandoned him and Qin Feng realized he was no longer on the ship. He had arrived at a new world.

'Secret dimension!'

Qin Feng studied the area closely once he realized where he was at.