The Giant Star Turtle Immortal

In the universe.

After seven days of slaughter, Qin Feng's physical strength had improved once again. He had already reached the SS3-tier.

Such a speed was truly heaven-defying.

However, everything was due to accumulation.

The ultra beasts that Qin Feng had killed were all above SSS-tier. Among them, there was no lack of beast kings and beast emperors.

Such creatures contained a tremendous amount of physical power. If they were converted into energy and absorbed by others, the improvement would be extremely terrifying.

Unfortunately, what those people lacked was the Absorption Ability.

And this Absorption Ability was the key to Qin Feng's success. This innate ability was infinitely powerful, and was also increasing infinitely.

"Next Place!"

"Over here, there are quite a lot of energy fluctuations this time. It should be an entire tribe!"