Qian Tao, You Are As Costly As a Branded Car

Just as Qian Tao was feeling worried, someone pressed the doorbell. From the display screen, she could see a man wearing a suit standing outside. She recognized the man. He was Yan Hai, Li Hengzhi's personal assistant. 

"Hi Miss Qian, I'm Li Hengzhi's personal assistant, Yan Hai." Yan Hai did a simple self-introduction.

Qian Tao opened the door for him.

Yan Hai stood at the door and did not go in. He passed a cheque to Qian Tao and explained, "Miss Qian, Mr. Li told me to inform you that he would take care of the media and would not let any indecent photographs be distributed. Please do not worry. This is a little compensation for you, Miss Qian." 

It was a fifty-million-dollar cheque.

Stunned, Qian Tao looked at him.

Yan Hai laughed. "Mr. Li heard that your family is experiencing financial difficulties and this is his little financial aid for your family. Mr. Li believes that this would be what you need most right now." 

Qian Tao looked at Yan Hai restlessly, not sure if she should accept the cheque or not.

On her way there, she had planned how to act naturally in front of Li Hengzhi but never had she thought that before she could utter a single word, he would give her a fifty-million-dollar cheque after what they did.

Fifty million dollars! This was not a small amount. He said that he would be responsible, so the money…

"Miss Qian?" Yan Hai waved his hand in front of Qian Tao's face.

"Oh… what else did Mr. Li say?"

Yan Hai gave her a little smile. "Nothing else."


She walked out of the hotel and stood there for a while as it poured heavily outside.

She sensed a familiar scent and turned her head. She saw Li Hengzhi and his personal assistant walking out of the hotel.

The man in the black suit kept a straight face.

Li Hengzhi stoically walked past her and got into the car that was waiting for him. 

At that very moment, Qian Tao stood there, speechless. She clenched her fist so tightly that the cheque in it was crumpled.

How could he not see her standing there? Qian Tao once told herself that she would not regret, but when Li Hengzhi disregarded her, she felt as if he had mercilessly stabbed her in her heart.

She had once thought of tearing the cheque but she knew she shouldn't.

If she tore the cheque, everything would be over.

She didn't know when but Yan Hai suddenly appeared in front of her and said, "Miss Qian, Mr. Li asked if you need a ride as it is raining heavily."

Qian Tao forced a smile, shook her head and replied, "It's ok, there's no need for a ride."

"Alright." Yan Hai did not force her. He turned and left.

She gazed after the car worth tens of millions and suddenly felt sick in the heart.

Oh, so this fifty million dollars was to disconnect with her?

Qian Tao, you are so valuable—just as costly as a branded car.

She smiled a little but her vision blurred.


The Qian family's car came a little later. The driver took out an umbrella and ran toward her. "Young Missy, are you alright? It's late and you are not home yet. Master Qian is extremely worried."

Qian Tao regained her senses and opened her palm. She glanced at the crumpled cheque in her palm and said, "Let's go home."

On the way home, she received a call from Gu Tong. Hesitantly, Gu Tong asked in disbelief, "Tao, did you… really…?"

"Unexpectedly, he gave me fifty million dollars."

"…" Gu Tong didn't know which incident should be the unexpected incident. "Tao, is it worthwhile doing this? For Xiao Yuanhang? Worthwhile?" 

"Is it worthwhile?"

Last night, Qian Tao kept asking herself the same question again and again.

"It's worthwhile. I owe him my life."