How Can the Top Escort Be Worth Only Ten Thousand?

"Oh, so, was this how you plotted against me?"

"No!" Qian Tao replied without thinking.

Her gaze met his. However, Li Hengzhi did not say anything but continued drinking his tea.

With butterflies in her stomach, Qian Tao sat down.

On the small table in between them were a cup of hot tea and a cold drink. Li Hengzhi had chosen the cup of hot tea while Qian Tao took the cold drink. Qian Tao thought she'd better take the cold drink to cool herself down since the weather was hot and her heart was irritable.

While she drank, she had mixed feelings.

How would he regard her at this moment? Would he think that she was that kind of woman who would use unscrupulous tactics or even use her body for the sake of money?

Anyway, there wasn't anything wrong. Wasn't what she did just that? Even if he had thought of her this way, he was not wrong.

"Is ten thousand dollars enough?" Li Hengzhi suddenly voiced out.

"Li Hengzhi!" Qian Tao screamed at him abruptly and quite loudly.

Li Hengzhi slowly put down his cup and looked at her. Compared to her agitation, he was relatively calm. "Why?"

"You…" Initially, Qian Tao was not calm but after that, she sat down, took a deep breath, softened her tone and said, "Mr. Li, I know it was my fault for plotting against you but you did not find fault with me. Rather, you solved the problem in another manner. I'm truly grateful. However, even if you want me to sign an agreement today, I would. I'll surely return the fifty million dollars to you. I consider it a loan."

She calmed down because she knew she had no ground to blame Li Hengzhi.

He was not at fault from the beginning until the end. Even if he used that incident to force her into a compromise, it was her who was first at fault and so there was nothing to talk about.

"Oh? Your way of lending money is quite unique."

This time, Qian Tao stood up, not to roar at him but she lowered her head and apologized, "I'm sorry."

Li Hengzhi raised his eyebrows and on his face was an expression of unexpectedness. 

She continued, "The incident happened quite some time ago and I have owed you an apology. I'm truly sorry. I've hurt your interest in pursue of my goal."

Li Hengzhi's lips curled a little but returned to being cool very quickly.

"So, if I did not discover your trick, I wouldn't have heard your apology?"

Qian Tao was silent.


Actually, she did not dare to ask for fifty million dollars.

"Have a seat," he said, "Xiao Yuanhang failed in business but harvested a lot in his love life. He got both sisters."

"It's not what you think." Qian Tao followed up, biting her lower lip and awkwardly confessing, "You know best, it was my…"

First time.

She did not say it out loud.

"Whatever it is, it's none of my business," Li Hengzhi answered faintly, "What I meant just now was that I saved you, ten thousand dollars sounds too little? How can the top escort be worth only ten thousand dollars?"

Qian Tao suddenly understood what he said.

He actually meant the promise she called out in a haste when she was caught.

She felt awkward. What was she thinking? He didn't even mean that kind of thing!

Just at that moment, the door was flung open and that brought her out of her awkwardness.

A man almost Li Hengzhi's age walked in hastily. "Brother! Why didn't you tell me earlier that you are coming to Yinchuan?"

Li Hengzhi pushed his hand away without giving him face. He looked at the watch on his wrist and went on, "You're thirty seconds late."