A Mistress In The House

She thought she had every reason to believe this was true!

After the duchess who had been alone for a long time saw the stunning Li Hengzhi, her desire for love awoke from its slumber. Since then, money meant nothing to her and all she wanted was to win his smile. Umm…it made sense.

However, Li Hengzhi was rich. It'd make more sense for him to keep a mistress. Being an arrogant man, he would never live off a woman even if he was bankrupt.


Qian Tao only realized that Li Hengzhi did not bring him to register for marriage when the car stopped in front of a villa, which looked more like his personal residence.

Qian Tao leaned against the window of the car and sighed as this villa of his had fascinated her!

The villa carried the style of a medieval castle and it was spectacular.

The car door's sudden opening caused her to fall forward. Just then, a hand supported her arm. Qian Tao raised her head and saw Li Hengzhi. She shook her head and declined his favor. "No, thank you, I'm fine. I can walk by myself." 

She couldn't guess what he was thinking.

Li Hengzhi was not insistent and allowed her to do as she wished.

She looked around the villa. From the furniture and decoration of the house, Qian Tao was pretty sure it was his personal residence, but why did he bring her here?

"Brother Li, you are…"

Qian Tao heard a silvery voice while she was observing the interior of the villa. She turned to see a cute girl running down the staircase from the second floor. She looked like a girl of her age.

"…home." The girl was taken aback when she saw someone unfamiliar.

Qian Tao's eyes met hers and she was also taken aback.

Who was she?

As she didn't know the girl's identity and was unsure of what she thought of her, she smiled and replied while pointing at the little pantry in the hall. "He's…in the pantry."

The girl looked at Qian Tao from head to toe and her vision fell onto the suit on her body.

Qian Tao felt awkward and smiled dryly. "Err…I drowned and could not change in time."

Could it be that Li Hengzhi had a mistress here and had forgotten that she was at home?

This was really awkward!

Li Hengzhi, on the other hand, didn't know what was happening. With a cup of hot water in his hand, he walked toward Qian Tao and passed the cup to her. "Come, take a sip of water. I'll ask someone to get the room ready."

Qian Tao's eyes widened. Were they starting to live together?

"Err…" Qian Tao's eyes swept across the staircase and said awkwardly, "Do you think it would be better to explain to her first?"

Wasn't it better to do so to avoid misunderstanding, sadness, and tears? 

Looking at her helpless, aggrieved, and depressed appearance, she took pity on the girl.

At that moment, Li Hengzhi looked at the girl and instructed, "Xuan, from now onwards, you will take care of her daily needs. If she needs anything, you will see to it."

"Brother Li, who is she?"

Both of them were women and most women had exquisite minds. Qian Tao could feel a sense of loss in the girl's tone as she tried to hide it.

"Madam." Li Hengzhi put it in a nutshell.

Qian Tao felt gloomy and helpless.

'Hey…I didn't mean this explanation. Mr. CEO, haven't you noticed that this pretty young lady is about to cry?'

Qian Tao smiled but she felt more awkward.

She felt like explaining that the relationship between her and Li Hengzhi was not as she had thought…