This Will Be Your Home From Now On

"Get some rest. I'm going out for a while."

"Where are you going?"

Li Hengzhi, who had just walked to the door, turned around and looked at her. "Can't bear to part with me already?"

 "…That's not what I meant. I meant to ask where you're going, leaving me alone in your house."

"It's our house," he corrected. "This will be your home from now on."

This will be your home from now on.

She didn't know why but when she heard these words, she was touched.



Yan Hai was waiting outside. Li Hengzhi, who had changed into a new set of clothing, got into the car.

Yan Hai asked, "Mr. Li, do we head to the school now?"

"Let's make it a quick one."


"Mr. Li…Yu Jiajia's family isn't in a good financial situation. Their living expenses depend solely on the small amount earned from the odd jobs that her paralyzed mother does. Her school fees are covered by the scholarship she has earned. If we expel her…err…would it be too cruel?" The headmaster tried to convince Li Hengzhi to go easy on her.

However, Li Hengzhi appeared to be indifferent. He sat on the guest seat, giving off a demonic aura. Even his words were cold.

The headmaster was a middle-aged man but in front of Li Hengzhi, he couldn't stand straight. He kept trembling in fear, afraid that he might utter the wrong words.

"There are rules in this world. Nothing can be accomplished without rules. Being in a pitiful position is not an excuse to do as one pleases. She needs to know that she must pay the price for what she has done. 

"Yes, yes, yes…" The headmaster nodded.

If this case were to be passed to the police, the news of her drugging her classmate would definitely lead to an uproar and it wouldn't be good for the school. He, as the headmaster, would also be blamed by the board of directors and if it was serious, he might lose his job.

So, how could they alert the police?

If not for the common knowledge that Rong Yao Private High School was under Rong Yao Group, he would think that this big boss was an enemy of Rong Yao Private High School.

"It's up to the school to handle this case. Whether it is by passing this case to the police, to expel her, or through any other solutions, your attitude is important. I just want to see action taken."

"How about this—I'll ask her to discontinue schooling on her own initiative so that she doesn't leave a bad record behind. Then, I'll have her apologize to Miss Qian Tao…"

"An apology won't be necessary." He stood up and continued, "And you don't have to report her motives or difficulties to me, I don't wish to know. Don't let me see her in school again starting tomorrow."

After seeing Li Hengzhi off, the headmaster was sweating all over. He wiped off his sweat.

The result of the investigation was shocking.

However, he understood quite quickly that even if Mr. Li had not come over to settle this matter, Mr. Qian would have looked into this matter too. Now that they had solved this matter on their own initiative, it would lessen the school's troubles and at the same time, make the school look good.

He was indeed Mr. Li!


"I heard she was a good student." Yan Hai said while driving.

"It's over, don't bring it up anymore."


Yan Hai had followed him over many years. He understood that when he said not to bring it up anymore, he meant not to mention it in front of Miss Qian.

Initially, it had not crossed his mind that Mr. Li would solve this matter personally.