Unsolved Puzzle

Qian Churui recalled that many years ago, Xiao Yuanhang had brought Qian Tao and a few of his good friends to Lin Shui Summer Camp.

When Qian Tao returned, her face was bruised and she appeared to be frightened and muddleheaded. There was a glazed look in her eyes, as if she had been through something horrible. The weird thing was that she didn't want to answer, no matter who asked her.

That night, Qian Tao had a persistent high fever and she did not want to say much. So, the doctor was at his wit's end and could only diagnose that her fever was due to her being horror-stricken.

She could still remember very clearly that their father had gone to the Xiao household to 

call Xiao Yuanhang to account. The Xiao family had even beaten Xiao Yuanhang in front of their father to express their apology. Xiao Yuanhang explained that they had a quarrel and Qian Tao ran out. They took a long time to search for her and when they eventually found her, it was raining and she was in a state of shock. No matter how they tried to ask her, she had no response.

After that, Qian Tao hid at home and refused to go out. No matter how much Xiao Yuanhang apologized, she did not want to see him. After some time, a subtle barrier existed between them and slowly, their relationship became distant and they eventually broke up.

This was something Qian Churui did not understand. Why did they end up breaking up? Obviously, Xiao Yuanhang himself could not understand either.

If this puzzle was not solved, she was afraid…

It would become a tangled knot in Xiao Yuanhang's heart and he would not be able to escape from the loop that Qian Tao had created for him.

Hence, Qian Churui really wanted to know the reason.

Qian Tao was taken aback by Qian Churui's sudden question and there was a glint in her eyes. When she looked at Qian Churui, she had returned calm and with a light smile, she replied, "I'm sorry, I refuse to answer that question."

She turned and left the balcony without caring about Qian Churui's reaction.

Qian Churui wanted to insist but after some thought, she gave up.

Qian Tao had remained silent about this for so many years. If she were to force her, she wouldn't say too, would she?


Qian Churui and Xiao Yuanhang's wedding was scheduled on a Saturday to make it convenient for relatives and friends to attend.

When Qian Tao was about to go out, Qian Chenhai reminded her not to be late for the wedding. She hastily informed him that she was going out to grab something and would arrive at the hotel on time.

"Tao, don't you want me to accompany you? Qian Churui will piss you off, won't she?" Gu Tong was still worried about Qian Tao and called her during her break at work.

"Why? Why do you want to accompany me to the boring event and skip the opportunity to earn money? If not for my father, I wouldn't attend the wedding. It's troublesome and tiring. You don't need to accompany me. It's just a wedding and she'll be the bride today, how can she have extra energy to piss me off? Alright, go back to work, I have to go. I've left the script in school and I have to get it back."

After ending Gu Tong's call and leaving her house, Su Ye called.

"Tao…I'm very worried and my eyelids keep flickering. Maybe…you shouldn't go today."

Qian Tao halted for a few seconds and laughed, "Aunty, I've promised my father that I will attend. My sister is getting married, I can't be absent. Don't worry, Aunty, I'll hide in a corner whenever necessary. I promise you, I won't spoil their wedding ceremony."

"Tao! That wasn't what I meant! I'm worried that you…" Su Ye was afraid that Qian Tao would misunderstand, so she quickly explained, "You know that I've always liked you. How would I not know what kind of person you are?"