I Have Been Kidnapped

"I shouldn't have called Tao!"

After her phone conversation with Tao, she had been worried. She kept calling her but Qian Tao's phone had been switched off. Now that her phone had been switched on again, she could not get through to her.

Su Ye was worried that her son's words had hurt Qian Tao.

"Mother!" Xiao Yuanhang was just passing by when he saw them. He stopped to inform them, "Mother, Father, why are you here? Did you know that Churui fell down?"

"Churui fell?" Both of them were shocked.

"Yes, let's go and have a look."

Both of them were troubled. Churui was pregnant. What would happen if she fell?

Qian Chenhai turned around and saw Li Hengzhi's frown. He quickly said, "Mr. Li, I'm…"

Li Hengzhi put down his wine glass and stood up. He interrupted, "I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, I'm afraid I'm unable to stay at your daughter's wedding any longer. I have something to do, I'll take my leave first."

His presence had shown his respect so Qian Chenhai, who was unable to attend to him, apologized instead. "I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I'll treat you next time as a gesture of apology."

At that moment, Xiao Yuanhang's eyes met Li Hengzhi's.

The cheque which he had given Qian Tao appeared in Xiao Yuanhang's mind. It was because of his willingness to lend them money that the Xiao family could overcome their crisis. Hence, Xiao Yuanhang softened his gaze and started talking, "Mr. Li…"

He suddenly stopped talking as Li Hengzhi's eyes shifted just seconds after meeting his, as if his existence wasn't important. He started to emit a cold aura, making it more difficult to approach than just now. 

Xiao Yuanhang's expression froze, but Li Hengzhi did not care, or should it be said that he did not notice, and was not concerned about his expression and reactions. With one hand in his trouser pocket, he turned coldly and left the noisy place.

Xiao Yuanhang narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Hengzhi as he walked away.

What did this mean?

Not worth spending time here?

No, not even that.


Yan Hai chased up to Li Hengzhi and as he was wondering about why Mr. Li didn't seem to care about Miss Qian, he heard his order. "Go and find out where she is."

The rain was heavy and the thunder was roaring, where could she be?


"Sorry, the number you are calling is busy…"

The line was busy? Who was she talking to?


The kidnappers called several times but Xiao Yuanhang did not pick up his phone. Soon, they lost their patience and the chances for Qian Tao to interrupt reduced. When she tried to talk, the kidnappers would point their sharp dagger at her neck to threaten her.

Qian Tao did not dare to speak upon sensing the cold surface of the dagger touch her neck.

At that moment, the kidnapper, who had long been irritable, scolded, "If you do not answer the call again, I'll kill your woman!"

Qian Tao couldn't even cry.

She had been wronged! The kidnappers might still mistake her for Qian Churui even after she was dead.

Just then, the call went through and the kidnappers were relieved. Before he could speak, Xiao Yuanhang spat out a sentence full of anger. "What do you want? Why did you keep calling me?"

Qian Tao did not want to speak when she heard his voice, but the cold dagger pointing at her, coupled with the roaring of the thunder, wrapped her up in fear. Her mental tolerance was nearing zero.

She was forced to say, "I…I have been kidnapped."