Amused by the little kitten

Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm Mhmm

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly felt a little conflicted.

Li junyu had stood up for her and even helped her give ruan Jiaojiao such a big 'surprise'.

Not only was ruan Jiaojiao's face swollen, it could even be said to have been punched through.

Under such circumstances, she should be thanking li junyu properly.

However, when she thought about how he had arranged a bunch of classes without asking for her opinion and took up her spare time, she felt that this man was really evil.

"Forget it, I'll just ignore him, Yingluo."

The soft voice had a little complaint.

Although she said that, ruan Mengmeng still took out her phone and searched for the number with the name 'tyrant' in her contact book. She composed a text message and sent it over.


It was 10 O 'clock in the morning in Europe.

The warm autumn sun shone in through the floor-to-ceiling glass, dyeing the entire glass greenhouse with a warm golden mist.